After Mulamwah and his best friend Ruth K hinted at a potential pregnancy, Mulamwah's ex-girlfriend Carol Sonie (Carrol Muthoni) responded.

Mulamwah suggested his best friend Ruth K's pregnancy yesterday due to her morning sickness.

Carol Sonie's remark playfully hinted at Mulamwah's upcoming fatherhood.

She made a lighthearted allusion to their previous arguments over whether Keilah was Mulamwah's child when she implied that Mulamwah might become a father in her statement.

"Keila is not my kid wamepata mtoto," Carol Sonie wrote.

Carol had previously told Kioko that she didn't want to talk to Mulamwah about their co-parenting arrangements because they were past that stage.

She emphasized that their daughter Keilah's welfare came first and that it was essential to ask the correct questions.

"The person should be asked the right questions. We all saw that ali denie mtoto wake. It's okay if you ask him the right questions. For example, is Keilah your kid?

When questioned about Keilah's father, Carol replied, "My child was rejected. How do I respond to that? Have you noticed her? She looks what? You'll discover the solution if you go back in time and observe her appearance.

Mulamwah revealed that Carol had been cheating on him on Instagram last year. She continued by saying that she had previously had an abortion. Because she was carrying another man's child.

Mulamwah officially rejected his daughter Keilah on his official Instagram account.

Keilah is NOT my kid! He wrote.

The Instagram power couple broke up in December 2021 and went ahead to air their dirty linen in public.