As Americans prepared for their yearly feasts, on Monday, U.S. President Joe Biden pardoned Liberty and Bell, two massive white-plumed turkeys from Minnesota.

Biden participated in an annual tradition that dates back decades, to the delight of schoolchildren in the audience on the White House's South Lawn.

"These birds have a new appreciation for the words 'let freedom ring,'" Biden said.

Bell weighed 42.1 pounds, and Liberty weighed 42.5 pounds (19.3 kg).

Biden remarked of Liberty, "That's a big bird, man," while the turkeys gobbled.

The Willard Hotel, close to the White House, gave the two turkeys a peaceful night's sleep.

They were brought up under the National Turkey Federation's supervision in Willmar, Minnesota.

The turkeys will "retire" to the Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences College of the University of Minnesota in St. Paul.

Millions of turkeys will be roasted in Thanksgiving ovens nationwide and covered in gravy on Thursday. A wide range of side dishes will also be served, including traditional holiday fare like stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, and green bean casserole.

Biden pointed out that although Monday was his birthday, he was not present for the historic pardoning of a turkey that occurred 76 years ago.

"I want you to know that I didn't attend the initial one. He remarked, "I was too young to make it up.

Monday marked Biden's 81st birthday.