On Monday, December 4, gospel artist and pastor Ali Mukhwana publicly accused Muhando of the habit of not honoring commitments, colloquially known as 'kula fare.' This accusation arose when the gospel artist failed to appear for a crusade in Bungoma.

"We asked her to confirm if she is free on those dates so that we book her. She said Yes, Kwanza She gave me two minutes to check her calendar to be sure, before responding.


"Nikawambia Bwana asifiwe. then I told her I would give out your phone to the Pastors. She informed us that to appear in a crusade, she needs fare," narrated Pastor Ali.

"She told us her rate card is ksh. 200,000 and we have to give her a booking fee of ksh 50,000. And because we needed her, we agreed to her rate card. Posters were made and fans were notified," he added.

Mukhwana claimed that after he shared the poster, five other individuals approached him to caution that she wouldn't fulfill her commitment to appear.

"After realising that she had booked five crusades in Soi, Mariakani, Voi, Kilifi and Likoni on the same day. I got worried about this," he continued.

Mukhwana contacted Muhando to verify the accuracy of this information.

"I asked her if she was going to come to my crusade or not. I reminded her we had paid the fare and met all her other demands. She said those other posters were by individuals who just wanted to use her photo to publicize their crusades. I said sawa," Mukhwana stated.

However, Mukhwana remained unconvinced and decided to reach out to the other pastors who had cautioned him that Rose Muhando tends to default on travel expenses.

"Each of them had paid Rose Muhando Ksh. 200k "

However, Muhando sweet-talked him, advising him to disregard the rumors spread by gossipmongers.

"Unajua venye wa Tanzania wana ulimi mzuri. Aliongea ni kama anatoka mbinguni. She told me Kaka have no worries," stated the pastor.