The CEO of the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK), Ezekiel Mutua has voiced his frustration over the apparent lack of response from church leaders regarding what he perceives as blasphemous songs from controversial gospel musicians.

Mutua made these remarks on Wednesday, highlighting the issue in the midst of a heated online debate surrounding the release of a controversial song titled 'Tuko Uchi' by the artist Embarambamba.

“I have seen people tagging me on the Embarambara madness and other such stuff on social media. Kenyans, my mandate is no longer regulation,” Mutua remarked.

“Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB), is the body mandated by law to vet and classify content. However, I actually believe that Kenya deserves Embarambara,” he added.

During his time as the CEO of KFCB, Ezekiel Mutua, often referred to as the 'morale police,' contended that Kenyans did not appreciate clean content. He placed blame on church leaders, asserting that their silence on the matter was a contributing factor.

“We don’t seem to care even when the content is blasphemous. Churches and community leaders are quiet when such content is on the increase,” Mutua elaborated.

“I wish these artists can even strip naked and perform in church as such until they prick our conscience,” he said.

Despite this, Mutua praised the decision by KFCB to instruct the removal of Embarambamba's song. He mentioned that MCSK had initiated a process to deregister the musician and his fellow singer Getumbe.

“If the resolution by a recent special AGM is upheld, the two will not be members of MCSK and will not earn any royalties for FIVE years,” he said.

Mutua asserted that if there is a repeat offense, both the musician and his fellow singer Getumbe could face a lifetime ban. He emphasized the need to bring back sanity to the entertainment industry by addressing such behavior.