Renowned Kamba singer Maima has released a new song titled "Mwaka wa Gen-Z," reflecting on recent events in the country.

The song, which has garnered over 60,000 views on YouTube just hours after its release, explores the various issues unfolding in Kenya, prompting Maima to question the state of the nation.

"The things we have been experiencing in our country have never happened before. This makes me wonder whether God has decided to punish us for our wrongdoings. I ask God to forgive us because we are not doing well as a country," Maima opens the song with a powerful verse.

He goes on to narrate how the past rainy season wreaked havoc, causing more than 300 deaths due to floods. Now, a new wave of youths calling themselves Gen-Z is demanding that President Ruto heed their demands.

"The President thought they were joking until they entered Parliament and started eating lunch there, which forced the MPs to hide—something that has never happened before. This led the President to drop the Finance Bill and dismiss his cabinet," Maima continues in the song.

Maima adds that the Gen-Z demonstrations have shocked the world, as young people have never before pressured their President to make such significant changes in his government.

In the song, he also cautions those looting in the name of demonstrating, tarnishing the name of Gen-Z.

"Those who are using the Gen-Z protests to loot properties and force the police to use excessive force on innocent people should stop. Let us demonstrate in peace without causing chaos, hoping that President Ruto will listen to the people's cries," he adds.