50 Cent is demanding action after a disturbing incident involving New York State Supreme Court Justice Erin Gall, who allegedly threatened to shoot Black teenagers at a high school graduation party. The incident came to light through police bodycam footage, released following an investigation.

The footage shows Justice Gall addressing the teens, instructing them to leave after a confrontation involving uninvited guests. She is heard telling them, “You’re not going to find your keys. You got to call an Uber and get off the property,” and adding, “You’re going to get a cop escort home.” Gall also pressured the police to arrest the teens for trespassing, asserting, “I’ve done this for a million years. I’m a lawyer. I’m a judge. I know this.” In a shocking remark, she added that if the teens returned for their keys, “you can shoot them on the property. I’ll shoot them on the property.”

Outraged by the judge’s behavior, 50 Cent took to Instagram on Wednesday (July 24) to share a report featuring the bodycam footage. He captioned the post, “SMH she should be removed,” and urged his followers to share the video, stating, “This is bad. Repost this video.” A judicial watchdog panel agreed with 50 Cent's sentiments, ruling that Gall should be removed from office. The panel noted that Gall “repeatedly invoked her judicial office” while trying to get the teens arrested.

The State Commission on Judicial Conduct issued its report on Monday (July 22), recommending Gall’s dismissal. The report concluded that Gall “created at least the appearance that she harbored racial bias” during the July 1, 2022 incident. The commission further stated that her actions “severely undermined public confidence in the judiciary and in her ability to serve as a fair and impartial judge.”

Gall’s attorney, Robert Julian, has announced plans to appeal the decision in the Court of Appeals, as reported by CBS News. In the meantime, Gall has been suspended with pay, drawing an annual salary of $232,600.

The incident has sparked widespread public outcry, with many supporting 50 Cent's call for Gall's removal to uphold justice and maintain trust in the judiciary.