A talk show host who was imprisoned for undermining Burundi’s national integrity has been granted a pardon.

Floriane Irangabiye, who had served 18 months of a 10-year prison sentence, received a “full remission” on Thursday, according to an announcement from the presidency.

Prior to her arrest, Irangabiye lived in neighboring Rwanda, where she operated a media company called Radio Igicaniro, which frequently criticized Burundi’s government. She was arrested two years ago when she returned to Burundi to attend a family member’s funeral.

Burundi has a poor track record on press freedom, ranking 108th out of 180 countries on the latest global index by Reporters Without Borders.

The announcement of Irangabiye’s release came after she and her lawyers wrote letters to President Évariste Ndayishimiye requesting her freedom, according to her family.

They noted that she has a serious medical condition that had worsened during her time in prison.

Local rights groups have cautiously welcomed the news of Irangabiye’s pardon, while also urging Burundi’s government to release others they believe are unjustly imprisoned.

“Justice and human rights must be respected for all,” said ACAT Burundi, while FORSC said there were “thousands” of other political prisoners still “languishing” in the country’s jails.

Another high-profile detainee, journalist Sandra Muhoza, remains in state custody on charges similar to those faced by Floriane Irangabiye.

Burundi has a history of political violence and repression of dissent, particularly under former President Pierre Nkurunziza, who died suddenly at age 55 during the coronavirus pandemic.

Since his election in 2020, President Évariste Ndayishimiye has been credited with improving Burundi’s international relations and implementing some domestic reforms. However, analysts argue that progress has been insufficient, and human rights violations persist.