The newly appointed Attorney General, Dorcus Oduor, has sparked conversation among Kenyans after issuing directives to Sheria House officers regarding their work schedule for the next four weeks to address the backlog of cases.

Attorney General Oduor announced that Sheria House staff would be required to work on Saturdays for the next four weeks as part of an effort to expedite the reduction of the case backlog.

The directive has sparked mixed reactions from Kenyans, with many expressing dissatisfaction. Some critics argue that the order is illegal, claiming it’s unfair to require workers to report to work on Saturdays.

User @swamukonya reacted "The new AG doesn't know that the directive she just issued is illegal?"

User @ Iam Starliner reacted "Huyu si wa SDA, hatambui Sabbath"

Among the various reactions, some have questioned whether the contracts of Sheria House employees even permit weekend work. The Attorney General has faced criticism for her decision to require workers to report to work on weekends.