Nominated senator Karen Nyamu has made a post defending the Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) Millicent Omanga and calling out the leaker of the video.

It's not the first time the former lawmaker has come under fire. Even comedian and content producer Crazy Kennar has mocked her in the past for her dancing. 

Karen Nyamu has confirmed to have seen the video everyone is sending, and says there is nothing to be ashamed of there. 

Omanga is currently trending on Twitter, but the CAS has not spoken or responded to the situation. 

Recently, Millicent Omanga has been the buzz of the internet for a variety of reasons. However, a few days ago, the former senator generated uproar on the internet when she shared a video of herself dancing that received conflicting responses.

Having put on a Dera Omanga was moving to the tune "nimenona," which is Swahili for "am fat." This was more of an effort to silence body shamers who had been criticizing her for being overweight for a while.