Transgender activist and model Rose Montana was kicked out and banned from the white house after she showed pictures of herself topless in the gardens.

Montoya, a model and influencer, uploaded a video montage of her experience at the White House's Pride event over the weekend on Monday. Among the numerous videos was one of Montoya flaunting her breasts on the White House lawn.

NSFW: Trans activists post video of themselves topless at White House Pride eventWhile the video quickly went viral and sparked uproar among conservative critics. The White House remained silent until Tuesday, when they announced Montoya's ban. In her video, she explained that she wanted to join trans males at the event who were showing off their top surgery scars "and living in joy, and I wanted to join them."

The footage from Saturday's event was originally released by Montoya, a TikTok influencer and biological guy who is transgender. It depicts Montoya and another unidentified transgender activist, a biological female, baring their breasts on the South Lawn of the White House, with the White House in the background.

PHOTO | COURTESY Rose Montoya banned from the white house

Montoya defended his nakedness in a subsequent TikTok video, claiming that going topless is "legal" in Washington, D.C.

"I fully support the movement and freeing the nipple," Montoya remarked. "My transgender friends were flaunting their top surgery scars and living in bliss, and I wanted to join them." And since it is entirely legal in Washington, D.C., I decided to join them and cover my nipples just to be safe."

Many conservative critics were outraged by Montoya's behaviour. Megyn Kelly, a former Fox News personality, retweeted an article from the conservative news website The Daily Caller, calling the incident an "F-you to normal Americans who find this sh&! deeply offensive."

PHOTO | COURTESY Rose Montoya 

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro quoted a White House criticism of Montoya's behaviour and wrote, "We. Don't. Believe. You." TikTok Libs, a prominent Twitter account with 2.2 million followers that has gained influence in conservative media and publishes anti-LGBTQ+ information, quoted the video and termed the action "a disgrace to our country."