Tanzanian Bongo Flava artist Jay Melody was arrested on July 7 in Mombasa for beating up a Kenyan promoter. A notable incident took place as a Bongo Flava artist became involved in a physical altercation with a Kenyan individual. Jay Melody, while performing, allegedly caused injury to a Kenyan promoter named Golden Boy.

Following the incident, Jay Melody was immediately arrested and transferred to the Kilimani police station, where he currently awaits the filing of the appropriate charges against him.

The dramatic incident involving Jay Melody attracted a number of renowned musicians, who converged on the scene to look into what could have occurred.


The artists included Jaguar, Brown Mauzo, and even the management of former Stivo Simple Boy came to the scene to learn more about what might have gone wrong before the bongo fleva performer became violent and beat up a Kenyan. Jay Melody's management and Lawyer for arrived at the police station to prevent their client from getting arrested for what he had done.