A court in Makindu has jailed a man who stole Kes 780 for 20 years after being found guilty of robbery with violence.

According to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), Boniface Maingi was found guilty of “forcefully violently robbing the complainant of a mobile phone, assorted clothes, a pair of shoes and Kes 780 on January 18 2020 at Emali township.”

According to Makindu Senior Principal Magistrate Benson Ireri, the testimony of 4 witnesses helped the prosecution establish its case.

Prosecutor Ngari utilised police reports, eyewitness accounts, and circumstantial evidence to identify Maingi as being at the crime scene in Makueni County.

Ngari informed the authorities that investigating police had successfully secured the crime scene and ensured the security of the victim and any potential witnesses.
