Media personality Jeff Koinange and his wife, Sonia, shared a very intimate and painful experience of their battle to conceive.

Jeff also talked openly about his interaction with the late Nelson Mandela on the Engage Talk Show.

Jeff reflected on a day that forever changed his life during the talk show when he had the honor of meeting the legendary Nelson Mandela at a press conference.

Jeff was in astonishment when Mandela revealed that his grandfather had been a chief after recognizing him.

However, the audience was profoundly moved by the following heartfelt disclosure.

"Hold that Mandela thought for a moment. At that time my wife and I had our greatest challenge, in that time was having a child. I don't know if the machine wasn't working anyway," Jeff humorously quipped.

He described their challenging road toward motherhood, which included experimenting with several procedures, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Jeff described how they would visit friends' houses for get-togethers, where happy kids played in the yard, continually reminding them of their misery.

A friend offered them hope amid their hardship by suggesting a clinic in Barcelona, Spain, as a potential resolution.

Choosing to gamble that clinic was Jeff and Sonia's saving grace.

"Our baby was born on July 31, 2007," Jeff remembered, his face beaming with happiness. "A friend told us about a facility in Barcelona, Spain, and we went there, and sure enough, it happened.

Even the late Nelson Mandela would ask about Jeff's progress towards fatherhood in a friendly and curious manner. Jeff revealed,

"Have you yet bought me a grandson? he would inquire. Mr. President, I would tell him that we are trying.

Jeff laughed as a result of Mandela's characteristically sympathetic answer in which he offered to help:

"This man served 27 years in jail; he wants to assist me?"

Seven months after this humorous encounter, their story took a sweet turn.

When Jeff Koinange finally got the chance to inform Nelson Mandela's office of the news, he said he could not contain his joy.

"I called his office and asked them to inform Madiba that we had a son at last, that he is eight months old, and that we are returning to Nairobi. Are you able to bring him so Madiba can bless him?

The meeting after his request was granted was nothing short of amazing.

The late Nelson Mandela kissed Jeff's kid on the cheek, forging a unique link between the two.

"If you don't believe me, I can show you a photo of him. Unbelievable." Jeff said.