Anthony Maina, the commander of Embu East Sub County Police, has announced that the investigation into the untimely death of a 54-year-old man has officially begun.

On Wednesday morning, the man's lifeless body was found in Ndamunge Village, Embu County, along Ndamunge-Kanja Road.

Speaking about the incident, Maina stated that he was informed about the body by the local assistant chief and that they moved quickly to start looking into what may have happened to cause the man's death.

According to Maina, initial findings suggest that the deceased had injuries to his head, which is concerning.

Maina has urged neighborhood members to come forward with any information or leads they may have about the incident, as the investigations are still ongoing.

He underlined how crucial it is for the locals to work with the police to help them figure out the circumstances surrounding the man's death.

The deceased's family had earlier demanded prompt and exhaustive investigations to determine their kin's cause of death before the body was transferred to the Gakwegori funeral home for an autopsy.