The mastermind behind the multi-trillion dollar fraud, involving eight other accused individuals, has been apprehended by the Operations Support detectives after being located in his hideout in Gigiri, Nairobi.

Isaiah Aluodo Belek, suspected to be the author of communications with the complainants, now joins his eight accomplices who were presented in court at Milimani Law Courts yesterday.

Detectives from the Operations Support Unit of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) have successfully apprehended eight suspects involved in a colossal USD 439 trillion mega fraud scheme targeting two foreign businessmen from the Netherlands. The arrests were made during an ongoing operation conducted at a warehouse situated in Nairobi.

Nairobi, the pulsating capital of Kenya, is home to the hidden realm of fraud, which flourishes amid the mayhem of the city. Fraudsters in large cities like Nairobi have a sophisticated and flexible method of operation, taking advantage of the intricacies of urban life to carry out their illegal activities.

Identity theft is a common tactic used by scammers to get personal information. Examples of these methods include phishing emails, social engineering, and dumpster diving. Once the fraudsters get these details, they can use them to alter financial transactions, open false accounts, or carry out other illegal actions using the victim's name.

Cybercrime has increased as a result of technology, and fraudsters have a large playground in Nairobi's tech-savvy community. Hacking techniques, phishing schemes, and online frauds are used to compromise financial information and sensitive data. Because of the anonymity provided by the digital sphere, it is difficult for law enforcement to find and capture these offenders.