A police officer in Kajiado County is being held in custody at the Ngong Police Station after he allegedly raped a woman at gunpoint on Friday at around 11:20 pm.

According to a police report, Officer Alfred Juma approached the victim while walking from Ngong to Gichagi.

Further, the police report indicates that Juma is said to have descended from his car, a Toyota Fielder, and approached the victim when he allegedly grabbed her hand and forced her into his vehicle at gunpoint, then drove her towards Vet farm area.

Upon their arrival, while still at gunpoint, Juma is said to have assaulted the victim inside the car.

"After the act he drove her back to Ngong town and abandoned her. The reportee later proceeded to Ngong police station where she made her report.”

Juma is set to be arraigned in court today, Monday 20.