Pastor Victor Kanyari has revealed that John Matara demanded Kes 500,000 from his slain young sister, Starlet Wahu, before murdering her in a Nairobi Airbnb on Thursday morning.

Speaking when he explained to his congregants on Sunday how Wahu got murderd in a Nairobi Airbnb, she said his sister was hesitant, which led to the struggle between them.

She tried to call me at 2 AM, but I did not pick up. At around 3 AM, Matara demanded Kes 500,000 from her”  he painfully narrated.

Further, he said his sister's only mistake was trusting a stranger.

The revelation comes a day after Wahu got buried on Saturday at 8 AM at their home in Kamulu with only twenty people in attendance, according to Kanyari.

According to police investigations, the deceased, 26, arrived at Papino Apartments on Wednesday evening with a guy later identified as 34-year-old John Matara..

Wahu and Matara were recorded on video entering a lift within the apartment block before disembarking on the fourth floor and walking to their room, which they had supposedly rented for the night.

Police later discovered the deceased's lifeless body lying in a pool of blood inside the flat after the Airbnb's owner, Florence Ngina, told authorities that Matara had hurriedly left the premises wearing blood-stained clothes on Thursday morning.

Ngina obtained the information from a security guard stationed at the apartments and rushed to the scene, where she learned that the apartment had been locked outside.

Ngina got entry to the flat using a spare key, only to discover Wahu's body in the living room. She then filed a report at South B police station, causing police and DCI officers to respond to the crime scene.

According to police accounts, there were signs of a struggle between Wahu and her assailant since the scene appeared bloodied, disarrayed, and chaotic.

According to a source familiar with the situation, Wahu was stabbed in the head and right thigh during the assault.

At the site, police also recovered HIV testing kits, used condoms, bhang, a bottle of wine, and a blood-stained kitchen knife, which was suspected to be the murder weapon.

Using Matara's phone, authorities were able to track him down to Mbagathi County Hospital, where he was reportedly found receiving treatment for a stab wound.