Three suspects have been detained by police in Ndhiwa, Homa Bay County, for allegedly defrauding a group of parents whose children are scheduled to enter Form One next week out of at least Ksh. 300,000 on the promise to sponsor their children's secondary education.

The parents complained to the Directorate of Criminal Investigation Officers. As a result, the suspects—two men and a woman—who oversee the Rising Star Organization, a non-governmental organization—were taken into custody at Kobodo Trading Center.

The suspects, the organization's director, treasurer, and member, had previously persuaded the Ndhiwa parents in need to help their children by covering their high school tuition.

Parents reported to the Kobodo police station that they were asked to pay Ksh—10,000 for a child who received 350 or higher on the exam.

Paul Rioba, the Commander of Ndhiwa Sub-County Police, claims that at least thirty parents were duped by the suspects, who each gave them Ksh. 10,000.

According to Rioba, the three are being held at the Ndhiwa police station while they wait to be charged.

Martin Owino, the MP for Ndhiwa, denounced the incident and advised parents whose kids are about to start Form One to exercise caution so they don't end up being duped.

The MP encouraged parents to apply for the bursary, saying his office is prepared to assist deserving and intelligent students in the constituency through the NG-CDF.