Police officers in Boya village, Ndhiwa, Homa Bay County, are investigating a case where a 25-year-old woman was found brutally murdered and beheaded in her kitchen.

Christine Auma's headless body was discovered lying in a pool of blood in the home kitchen.

According to the police, Auma was attacked by unknown people while cooking ugali for her family.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line

According to reports, her husband and other family members were gathered inside the main house, which is a separate building on the homestead, at the time of the tragedy.

According to area Assistant Chief Milton Kawino, Auma's husband heard a noise in the main home and dashed to the kitchen.

"On reaching the kitchen, he found the body of his wife lying on the floor in a fresh pool of blood, with the head missing," stated the chief.

PHOTO | COURTESY police car

"The suspects disappeared into the darkness, and their whereabouts has not yet been established," said the police chief.

Many questions have been raised about how the suspects were able to carry out the horrible act and then disappear so easily.

Ndhiwa Sub-County Police Commander Paul Rioba verified the occurrence.

He stated, "Our officers are actively investigating the matter." We are still attempting to locate the perpetrators and determine the motivation for the attack.

The deceased's remains is lying in the Manyatta Kobodo mortuary.