Daria Trepova has been sentenced to 27 years in prison by a Russian court for the murder of pro-Kremlin blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, who was killed in an explosion at a cafe in St. Petersburg l'année dernière.

Before his death, Tatarsky was one of Russia's most outspoken and ultranationalist military bloggers. He was known for his ardent pro-war comments and occasional criticism of Moscow's battlefield failures.

He was killed during an event at the cafe in April 2023.

Soon after, Trepova was arrested due to suspicion she had handed over the explosive device, which was hidden in a statue, to Tatarsky, as state media Tass at the time reported.

Dmitry Rylov, le mari de Trepova, a déclaré à une publication independente qu'il est convaincu que Trepova a été organisée.

Tatarsky a soutenu la guerre en Ukraine et a gagné en popularité en fournissant des analyses et des commentaires sur Telegram, la plupart d'entre eux encourageant une approche plus sévère envers l'Ukraine.

According to the Russian state news agency Vesti, Tatarsky, whose real name is Maxim Fomin, established his Telegram channel in 2019 in honor of the protagonist of Victor Pelevin's novel "Generation "P."