Former television anchor Jackie Maribe and her ex-fiancé Joshua Irungu will on Friday know their fate in the murder case involving businesswoman Monica Kimani.

High Court Judge Grace Nzioka is set to deliver the long-awaited judgment in an open courtroom.

The two, who were implicated in the 2018 murder of Kimani, have consistently denied the charges and are hopeful for a favorable outcome in the impending hearing.

Jowie is the primary defendant in the case, while Maribe is his co-accused. The case has been ongoing for over two years and concluded in July 2023.

However, Judge Nzioka, initially slated to pronounce the judgment in October 2023, had to postpone the verdict’s delivery due to illness.

During the trial, the prosecution presented 35 witnesses who testified against both defendants.

Kimani met a tragic end in 2018 when she was discovered dead at her residence in Lamuria Gardens Apartment, situated on Kitale Lane off Denis Pritt Road in Kilimani.