Nairobi Police Chief Adamson Bungei reportedly hurried to Kitengela Police Station following revelations that a wanted criminal, accused of being involved in the murder of his lover in an American airport, had escaped from police custody.

In a statement, the Nairobi police boss expressed his embarrassment over the incident, acknowledging that the convict had escaped from police cells after being apprehended a few weeks earlier by detectives in Westlands.

The sought-after criminal reportedly interacted with his legal representatives before making an unexpected escape from Kitengela courts. He boarded a nearby matatu and vanished to unknown destinations.

The police chief has verified that four officers on duty that fateful day are presently in custody and will be brought to court to face charges related to releasing a criminal.

The 30-year-old individual was slated for deportation to the United States of America to face charges in connection with the murder of his lover.