Following the death of the headteacher of Kagir Primary School on Saturday, hundreds of protestors in Baringo protested the area's lack of security, and police used tear gas to scatter them. 

Teachers from the impacted schools today put down their tools and joined the demonstration in protest against the government's lack of action in combating insecurity in the area.

In Kabarnet town, business came to a complete halt when police used tear gas to scatter teachers and residents who were led by MCAs and teacher unions.

Leading the teachers in a protest, KUPPET leader Zacharia Nyomboi and KNUT leader Joshua Cheptarus conveyed their dissatisfaction to the president for his inaction in the face of repeated requests to launch an operation to smoke out bandits.

Additional protests were held in Marigat, Baringo South, to call on the government to take action regarding insecurity cases.

Since the year's beginning, Baringo North's level of insecurity has increased; nine people were shot and killed in January alone. One of the dead victims was a three-year-old child.