A Kenol court fined a 41-year-old man Kes 200,000 on Wednesday for stealing 745 pineapples from Delmonte Kenya Ltd's farm.

Appearing before Resident Magistrate Jackinda Rennah, Peter Wakahia Kimani was charged for stealing the pineapples on March 11 at his home in Gikono village, Murang’a South.

According to the facts tabled before the court by the prosecutor, Ms. Odour, officers from the Gikono police post, while on foot patrol accompanied by the area Assistant Chief, were informed that pineapples were being sold and bought at the home of the accused.

The officers who proceeded to the house found the pineapples concealed in a black polythene bag stored in a house used as a store.

Consequently, with the help of officers from Kenol police station, the accused was arrested.

Kimani pleaded guilty to the offence of theft of farm produce and in mitigation said he has children and pleaded with the court for clemency.

The magistrate ordered him to pay a fine of Kes 200,000 or in default serve a one-year jail sentence.