Officers at the Malaba station in Teso North, Busia County, seized 10 liters of chang'aa and 18 kg of bhang that were transported from Uganda to Kayole in Nairobi.

Along with the drug seizures on Wednesday, three women were also taken into custody by the detectives.

Joseph Matiku, the Teso North OCPD, confirmed the incident and stated that the public had alerted them about the trio, which appeared suspicious.

"At around 1pm, officers got a tip-off that there was a matatu transporting bhang and they responded swiftly and managed to intercept one matatu from Eldoret Shuttle Sacco," said Matiku.

"They searched and found around 18 stones of suspected bhang and 10 litres of chang'aa."

The three, who included two middle-aged men and an older woman suspected of being the deal's mastermind, were discovered in possession of the drugs and are currently assisting the police with additional inquiries.

The action was taken months after the country stepped up its efforts to combat drug abuse and illegal brewing.

OCPD Matiko reiterated the police force's resolve to combat drug trafficking, stating that all vehicles entering the border will be subject to government inspections.

"We are on high alert and we are searching each and every vehicle to ensure nothing illegal is transported through our roads. We always have a scanner on the border points but we search because of those who use other illegal entry points," he noted.

"Going forward, all vehicles from Malaba will be inspected regularly to mitigate the smuggling practice that has been rampant."