A 29-year-old woman was found dead by the roadside in Luanda Township, Vihiga County, after being brutally attacked by an unknown assailant. According to police reports, the victim, identified as Dainah Khamati Alelah, was discovered on Monday morning, having sustained fatal injuries.

Eyewitnesses said she was approached by a man who struck her on the head with an unknown object, killing her instantly. Police officers arrived at the scene and found a deep cut on her forehead, confirming the cause of death. No items were stolen from her, and the attacker fled the scene. The motive behind the killing remains unclear. Her body was transported to the mortuary for an autopsy and further investigation.

In a separate incident in Langas, Eldoret Town, a police officer was attacked and robbed of his motorcycle and personal belongings on Monday night. The officer, stationed at Langas Police Station, was on his way home when he was ambushed by five armed men. They inflicted deep cuts on his head and chin before stealing his phone and motorcycle keys. He was treated at a local hospital and later discharged in stable condition. Police are still searching for the culprits.

Meanwhile, in Siaya Town, a boda boda rider reported being robbed of his motorcycle. The victim said he was carrying a passenger when a car blocked his path. Five men emerged, assaulted him, and stole his motorcycle before fleeing the scene.

In another incident in Olosios village, Kajiado, a gang on a motorcycle robbed a motorist and his passengers of cash and valuables. The motorist was en route to church with his wife and three other men when they were ambushed at gunpoint. The gang made off with an undisclosed amount of money, mobile phones, and other items. Although police responded to the scene, no arrests or recoveries have been made. Investigations into all incidents are ongoing.