A newborn baby was left inside a public restroom in Kanyonyo town, Kitui West constituency, on Monday.

Wananchi Reports was able to view a video showing the toddler sleeping next to a mound of fresh soil while covered with leso just moments after being rescued.

The infant cried his heart out, attracting the resident to his side.

To get to the infant, good Samaritans and Kanyonyo police officers had to dig through the toilet.

"The baby's uncut umbilical cord served as evidence that it was only a few hours or even a day old. A local, Michael Kyalo, stated, "I believe the child was left in the washroom last night.

Residents had to dig a hole through the toilet to get to the infant to save it. To transfer the youngster safely, they collaborated with the police, according to Kyalo.

Some worried locals begged the child's mother, whose identification is still unknown, to come to get the child.

"This youngster deserves love and care because they are a good and pure child. One of the locals who had participated in the rescue attempts remarked, "I'm encouraging women to refrain from throwing infants they have borne in their wombs; it is horrible."

The police saved the youngster, but they begged the locals to come forward with any information that would assist them in tracking down the mother.