Residents of Panda Miti village attacked and beat to death a murder suspect accused of murdering his brother in cold blood a week earlier. 

The finding of a human head inside a pit latrine in Matulo ward, Webuye, allegedly prompted the incident on Thursday.

According to the neighbours, the body was identified as that of a guy who had gone missing on Saturday before his decapitated torso was recovered.

Enraged neighbours are claimed to have turned on the deceased's brother soon after the occurrence, accusing him of the most horrible murder.

"Kichwa ya huyu kijana ilikuwa imekosekana, lakini leo imepatikana kwa choo, na suspect pia yeye ameuwawa," said one witness to Radio Citizen.

However, some residents were quick to condemn the sequence of events, arguing that the deceased should have been arrested to aid in the investigations.

"Mimi na laani hicho kitendo, wangemwachilia kwa polisi ndio hata tuweze kujua wanafanya mambo haya na kina nani," said a witness.

Meanwhile, the deceased's corpse and head were taken to the Webuye County referral hospital mortuary.