Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki expressed condolences to the family of former Antubetwe Kiongo Ward MCA George Kaliunga, who was killed in a banditry attack in Meru County on Tuesday morning.

Kaliunga was allegedly shot in the chest by robbers from Isiolo County on Sunday while pursuing them after they stole his animals.

According to sources, the former MCA was shot during a firefight between the robbers and the officers accompanying him. OCPD Igembe North According to William Letting, the criminals transported the stolen sheep toward Kinna in Isiolo.

His body was transported from the crime scene to the mortuary at Nyambene Hospital.

While expressing condolences to the dead leader's family, Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza and Igembe North MP Julius Taitumu lamented the resurgence of attacks across the border.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, CS Kindiki ordered that the case be probed as soon as possible to bring the culprits to justice.

In addition, he "ordered the immediate deployment of more security officers to contain cases of insecurity in the Meru North region."