The court will deliver judgement on October 6, 2023, on whether the former news anchor Jackie Maribe Jowie Irungu were involved in the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani.

According to prosecuting counsel, Gichui Gikui, in her submissions to Justice Grace Nzioka said that the two were linked to the gruesome murder of the deceased.

She said that Irungu was on the material day seem, entering the residence of Monica and proceeded to change his clothes.

Further, she said that Irungu had a gun on the fateful day, and Maribe was aware.

Irungu's simple denials that he knew the deceased were shown to be false by witnesses, including Monica's brother, who testified in court that Irungu knew her sister.

The gun that was used was presented to the court, and the prosecutor's final argument stated that the DNA result also demonstrated that the blood stain taken from Irungu did match that of the deceased.

However, the prosecution did not present evidence linking Maribe to the killing of the deceased, which may have included mobile data, and DNA examination reports, among other things, according to Maribe's attorney Katwa Kigen.

Kigen said that on the material day Jackie Maribe spent a day at the Citizen studio carrying out interviews until midnight when she joined former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko at club Fourty-Fourty.

He further submitted that the mere fact that the two were cohabiting did not mean that they jointly participated in criminal activities.