Police officers in Kisumu have seized Over 600 kilograms of bhang worth an estimated Ksh.18 million that was being transported in a hearse.

The vehicle, labeled Rafiki Funeral Services-Othaya, was flagged over for a regular traffic check, according to Busia County police chief Maxwell Nyaema.

PHOTO | COURTESY recovered drugs

A police officer noticed an odd fragrance as the motorist lowered his window.

"The heavily tinted vehicle, whose stereo was playing sombre tunes associated with escorting the departed, pulled over," police said.

A search was carried out, and 12 sacks of bhang were discovered in the truck.

"His fears were confirmed moments later when, after conducting a search inside the vehicle with his colleagues," police said. "They discovered 12 sacks of cannabis sativa arranged on the seats and floor of the van."

The hearse driver was identified as Hussein Otita and was detained, and the vehicle was seized.

PHOTO | COURTESY Police line

In a related instance, officials from Wajir's Korondile police station discovered 58 kilograms of bhang on a motorcycle being taken to Wajir town.

Two suspects, Osman Boru and Halkno Guchu, were arrested and detained at the Korondile police station for arraignment.

Anti-Narcotics Unit detectives are investigating the two cases.