Police in Marsabit County on Sunday evening nabbed three suspected bhang peddlers at Korr Trading Center in Marsabit South Sub-County.

The suspects, identified as Ali Ibrahim, Ibrae Guyo, and Stephano Lekupes, were caught with 160 rolls and 2 kilograms of bhang following a tip-off from public members who reported strangers in the backyard of the trading Centre.

Confirming the incident, Korr location Chief Jeremiah Ntimo said the security agencies in the area acted promptly and arrested the three suspects, who were also looking for a market for a motorcycle they had used to travel to the remote area.

 Ntimo said the residents became suspicious of the youthful visitors after they tried to sell the motorbike at a throw-away price of Kes. 50,000.

“Wananchi, whom we have been sensitizing on community policing became suspicious when the strangers tried to sell the motorbike that looks new at such a low price,” he said.

Further, he said that investigations concerning the motorcycle, registration number KMGD 965P, and the origin of the netted narcotics had started.

The government has heightened the war on narcotics, especially bhang and second-generation alcoholic drugs in Marsabit County.

The move has forced those involved in the illegal activities to relocate from major towns to rural areas.