Comedian Abel Mutua has candidly shared details about a past incident where he unintentionally damaged his friend Phil Karanja's car. In a recent interview, Mutua recounted the story, acknowledging that he was initially fearful of informing Karanja about the mishap.

Mutua, renowned for his light-hearted humor, shared the anecdote on social media, disclosing that he had borrowed Karanja's car and inadvertently caused damage to it. Initially apprehensive about Karanja's potential reaction, Mutua chose to keep the incident a secret for a while. However, he eventually mustered the courage to come clean and confessed to his friend.

"I was driving Phil's car when I had a bit of an accident," Mutua admitted. "I was scared to tell him at first, but I knew I had to come clean eventually."

Mutua's sincerity struck a chord with many of his followers, who praised him for taking responsibility for his actions. Seizing the moment, the comedian also urged others to admit their mistakes, emphasizing the importance of accountability regardless of the challenges it might pose.

"We all make mistakes," Mutua said. "The important thing is to learn from them and move on. Don't be afraid to admit when you're wrong. It's the right thing to do."