According to a recent report from Infotrak, TV47 has secured a spot among the top four most-watched TV stations in Kenya. Despite being the youngest TV outlet since its launch in 2019, TV47 has made its mark, trailing behind the established channels of Citizen TV, NTV, and KTN, respectively.

Citizen TV continues to dominate the market, with an impressive 90 percent of respondents confirming regular viewership. Following closely are NTV at 61 percent, KTN Home at 52 percent, and TV47 along with KBC sharing the fourth position with 32 percent each.

The ranking underscores TV47's rapid ascent and growing viewership within a relatively short period. As the station continues to make strides, it exemplifies the dynamic nature of the media landscape in Kenya and the evolving preferences of the audience.


K24 TV secured a distant sixth position in the rankings with a viewership of 22 percent, while KTN News followed closely at 18 percent.

The report also highlighted Inooro TV as the leading vernacular TV station, securing the eighth position in the overall rankings. Following closely were Ramogi TV and Kiss TV.

TV47 attributes its surge in popularity to a new lineup of notable personalities, including Willis Raburu, Fred Indimuli, and Liz Mutuku. These faces have played a pivotal role in elevating the station's appeal and capturing the audience's attention. The inclusion of these well-known figures has evidently contributed to TV47's success and its competitive standing among the diverse array of television stations in Kenya.

"Covering all the 47 counties and enjoying a 97% response rate, the survey showed that the highest age group watching TV47 was between 18-26," read the report in part.

Radio Citizen continued to lead the radio sector with a 26% market share, followed by Radio Jambo (24%), and Radio 47 (20%).

Milele FM came in at number five, Radio Maisha at number four, and Classic 105 at number six.

According to a different study from the Communications Authority of Kenya, TV audiences have been stable since 2014 but radio listeners have been declining (as we have extensively reported in our flagship newsletter).

The number of TV stations rose from 6 to 182, the number of newspapers from 9 to 13, and the number of radio stations from 120 to 228 between 2015 and 2022.

92% of Kenyans listened to radio content in 2014. 2023 saw a decline to 77% of the total.

PHOTO | COURTESY Willis Raburu Wabebe XP Show at TV 47

In the meantime, news consumption from digital sources increased slightly from 27% to 57%, while TV consumption rose from 46% to 74%. Newspaper's share has decreased from 21% to 7%.

During that time frame, TV stations received a higher percentage of advertising revenue than radio and newspapers, according to data from California.

The data shows that since January 2023, TV stations have continuously earned over Ksh3 billion in advertising revenue each month, while radio stations have earned between Ksh1.4 billion and Ksh1.8 billion.

Advertising revenue for newspapers fell within the range of Ksh450 million to Ksh700 million.