Comedian Mammito and Teacher Wanjiku faced backlash after sharing a video about market traders that many found objectionable.

If the viral video had not been removed, market traders had warned of reporting comedian Mammito and teacher Wanjiku's social media accounts.

The two content creators uploaded a video online claiming to depict the events at the renowned hair market. Mammito faced a wave of online criticism for sharing the video, with many users deeming it distasteful and urging her to show respect for others' livelihoods.

Engaged in gossip, the two content creators shared a video of themselves braiding a woman's hair in a salon. Mammito made an effort to promote underwear and jewelry to the 'client' undergoing hair styling by Teacher Wanjiku in the video, yet the woman appeared uninterested.

Wanjiku then sought help from Mammito, who was dressed in a miniskirt, to assist in braiding the woman's hair. Mammito grabbed a leso, wrapped it around her waist, and began the braiding process. As they conversed, the content creators continued to braid the woman's hair, casually resting their legs on her thighs.