Comedian Eddie Butita will accompany President William Ruto to the United States on his official state visit. 

Butita updated his social media accounts to say that he is delighted to be a member of President Ruto's delegation to the United States, where they will meet President Joe Biden and other stakeholders. 

"Leaving for the USA today. Thank you His Excellency President William Samoei Ruto for choosing me to accompany you to the United States Of America State Visit hosted by the USA President His Excellency President Joe Biden," Eddie Butuita said. 

"The fact that I'm part of the Head of States delegation is a clear sign and we are happy that the creative industry is part of the conversations we are going to have during this trip,."

The Head of State is expected to meet with several top Hollywood stars during his visit to the United States on May 21, 2024, with Butita representing the Creative Economy.

Just the other day, Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing'oei hinted that President Ruto and his delegation would be visiting Tyler Perry Studios. In this well-known film production company, they would meet Tyler Perry.

Sing'oei stated that meeting top players in the film industry will help strengthen partnerships with Kenya's film industry.

"In the context of this visit the President will visit Tyler Perry studios, he will meet with Tyler Perry, several players in the Hollywood ecosystem, be able to have a conversation with them about how they can work together with Kenya to unlock the potential of film," Sing'oei said.

He also stated that Ruto will later visit Atlanta for a significant diaspora event.

"It will be a culmination of a huge diaspora event. As you know we have a huge diaspora in the Atlanta area," he said.

"They will have a mega conversation around diaspora investment and remittances and ways how the diaspora can plug into our economy,"..