American pop star Celine Dion has finally opened up about how life is since being diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome, which has kept her from the stage since 2022.

In an interview with NBC News, the singer disclosed that her disease has been so severe that the violent muscular spasms that accompany it have resulted in cracked ribs.

“I had broken ribs at one point, because sometimes when it’s very severe … it’s like somebody is strangling you, like someone is pushing your larynx," Dion said.

The singer stated that she can only talk in a specific tone or feel strangled.

“But it can also be in the abdominal area, in the spine, in the ribs. It’s cramping, but it’s like in a position of, like, you cannot unlock them,” she added.

Dion previously disclosed that she receives physical and vocal treatment five times each week for the incurable condition.

She had to cancel her globe tours in 2023 owing to health issues caused by the disease.
Her songs spanned pop, R&B, rock, gospel, and classical genres.

Celine hopes to return to the music stage, where her light shines brightest.