While sharing his heartfelt journey, Comedian YY became emotional as he recounted nights of enduring hunger when their situation worsened. 

These challenging times left a lasting impact on him, highlighting the immense resilience and strength he possesses.

When YY's father died, his mother returned to the village, and things went downhill from there, according to the comedian.

His mother abandoned her small business in Nairobi and went to start from scratch in the village.

Aside from his remarkable talent as a comedian, YY has also ventured into entrepreneurship, showcasing his creativity through the sale of self-designed T-Shirts bearing his iconic comedic phrase "washup." This entrepreneurial spirit demonstrates his versatility and determination to explore various avenues of success.

Furthermore, YY's comedic prowess has gained him recognition on an international level. In June of 2017, he captivated audiences at the Kenyan Family Comedy Affair held in New Jersey. His performance left an indelible impression, solidifying his status as a gifted comedian who can entertain and connect with diverse audiences.

YY's journey from facing adversity to becoming a celebrated comedian and entrepreneur is a testament to his resilience and perseverance. Through his comedic talent, innovative endeavors, and memorable performances, he continues to inspire others, proving that with determination and hard work, one can triumph over life's challenges and create a fulfilling and successful path.