Eric Omondi, who has long been said to be the father, has partially responded to the subject of why Jacque Maribe's son's paternity is in doubt.

In an interview with Ankali Ray on Milele FM, Eric Omondi mentioned that it is difficult to identify Jacque's son's biological father.

"Sasa sijui," he declares, "I'm not sure. Haina shida, but sijui mimi.

Eric mentioned that he occasionally pays child support as well. "Muda mwingine natekeleza but muda mwingine pia," he added.

When Ankali questioned him about why a DNA test wasn't conducted to finally resolve the issue, he implied that it might be the cause of the issue.

Ushanielewa kabisa, ndio hiyo bro, umeipata bro barikiwe sana. Bro, hio mambo umeipata ndio. Amani kukue. Eric said, "Watu wengi wameshindwa kusema lakini umesema bro."

Eric said to Ankali, "Kuna venye nimekuwa nikitaka," as Ankali wanted proof that Jacque was the issue, that he was anxious to perform a test to establish paternity.

Baaas, sitaki kuongelelea sujui kuna laywer nini, lakini napoenda venye wewe umeishika. Sitaki kuongelelea sasa nimefurahi venye umesema wewe is what Kuna orders.

He also emphasized to Ankali that the child he is expecting with Lyn is his first ever child.

It says, "Wa kwanza kabisa, wa kwanza. He said, "Mungu amenibariki ni wangu huyu."

Omondi and Jacque had a one-night stand while employed by the same company, and it took place when she was seeing someone else.

Omondi said that he had used protection and had been astonished when Maribe subsequently said she was carrying his kid.

"So, in 2012, we first met at Radio Africa. Jacque was working at Kiss TV while I was employed by Radio Jambo. So Jacque and I happened one impromptu night after a Radio Africa Staff Party, after a few bottles of whiskey and wine glasses, he said.

When we contacted Jacque Maribe on the allegations Eric had made, she replied with a cheerful face emoji.