The ongoing feud between Harmonize and Kajala continues to elicit a range of responses, particularly following their decision to reveal each other's secrets subsequent to their breakup. In a previous instance, Kajala and her daughter Paula openly expressed their hatred towards the musician on their reality show. Kajala labelled him as irrational, prompting a fiery reaction from Harmonize. Meanwhile, Paula disapproved of him for attempting to engage romantically with her mother and herself.

Taking to his Instagram account, the musician conveyed a message to his ex-partner, who is approximately 40 years old, urging her to cease pursuing younger men and instead consider building a relationship with someone her own age. He further mentioned that he displayed generosity towards Kajala by refraining from reclaiming a Range Rover Evoque she acquired following their separation in December 2022.

Harmonize went on to claim that Kajala's lingerie business was initiated using the funds garnered from the sale of the vehicle he had purchased for her, resulting in various contrasting responses. The musician, who has no intention of rekindling their relationship, also pointed out that Kajala has made numerous attempts to reconcile with him.