A human head believed to be that of slain university student Rita Waeni has been recovered in a dam in Kiambaa, Kiambu County.

Police say the head will help them piece together the movement of her killers following her murder at an apartment in Roysambu.

Additionally, the officers also recovered her mobile phone, which had been missing.

The motive of the murder is yet to be known so far, but the police believe the killers were professional.

After being killed in cold blood, her body was discovered in a trash can, and a postmortem revealed that she was missing some nails.

Despite not having a direct connection to the murder, four individuals are being held in connection with it.

“This person who did all these also tried to clip off the fingernails for reasons which I might not be able to know but for us scientists when we see fingernails clipped off, we think probably the person was trying to hide evidence so that we are unable to get his DNA from the victim,” government pathologist Johansen Oduor said after the exercise.

“I don’t know why but in investigations, such nails help in gathering evidence. People fight when dying and DNA evidence can be hidden there,” Oduor said.

Oduor, however, said there were remnants of some fingernails and that samples were taken for further analysis to help police in their investigations.

The autopsy confirmed that the body was dismembered, with the head chopped off and the legs also cut away from the trunk.