In an altercation with demonstrators in Kiambu County's Githurai area on Tuesday night, a police car caught fire and twenty officers were hurt.

This came after citizens nationwide staged a day-long protest against the Finance Bill 2024 by taking to the streets in unity with other demonstrators.

The marches, which mostly took place along the Thika Superhighway, according to locals, became chaotic after police used tear gas on peaceful protestors, which incited them to retaliate against the officers.

However, according to police, the estimated 6,000 protestors set a road ablaze and refused to leave when asked by the police commander.

According to a police report kept at the Mwiki Police Station, the crowd started throwing stones at the officers.

Police claim that after using tear gas to try to disperse them, the group overwhelmed the officers, who then withdrew.

After that, the crowd is reported to have set fire to a police Land Cruiser, cut off the convoy, and blocked the road with an electricity pole. An additional two police pick-up trucks suffered vandalism.

The rioters pursued the officers to the Githurai Mwiki police station as they were fleeing. The report states, "They were pushed back after being unable to take control of the station.

The injured officers, according to the police, were all treated at different medical facilities and released.

Locals claim that late at night, tear gas invaded the Githurai 45 neighborhood, forcing residents to flee their homes. They also claim to have heard gunshots deep into the night.

Citizen Digital is investigating the allegations.