Before assuming his role as the new Chief of Defense Forces, Francis Ogolla received a strong warning from the President to ensure national stability by upholding diligence, neutrality, and strict adherence to the rule of law without favoritism towards any individual based on their tribe or rank in the government.

The President emphasized that Ogolla must carry out his responsibilities with honor, to bring the country together and help in solving national challenges.

Additionally, Ogolla will be tasked with the responsibility of uniting the various Kenya Forces to ensure unity and cohesiveness in their services.

President Ruto expressed his expectation that General Francis Ogolla would maintain the professional standards of the Kenya Defense Forces under his leadership. It is important for the military to adhere to high professional standards to ensure the safety and security of the country and its citizens.

In addition to his other responsibilities, President Ruto assigned Francis Ogolla the task of maintaining the image of the Kenya Defense Forces both locally and internationally.

It is essential that the KDF maintains a positive image to earn the respect and trust of the citizens they serve, as well as other nations that they collaborate with.