Specifically for women, elegance is a timeless attribute. True elegance reflects good taste and grace, unlike fashion trends, which may come and go. Here are nine things classy women never wear.

1. Overly flashy or gaudy jewellery

Elegant ladies prefer understated and classic jewellery that complements their outfits rather than drawing attention away from them.

2. Shabby or dishevelled clothing

Elegant ladies take pride in their appearance and always look put-together. They avoid clothes that are wrinkled, stained, or torn.

3. Loud and bold prints

Elegant ladies prefer simple, solid colours and subtle prints that will stay intact to their overall look.

4. Uncomfortable footwear

Elegant ladies choose footwear that is comfortable and appropriate for the occasion. They avoid shoes that are too high, tight, or painful to wear.

5. Over-the-top accessories

Elegant ladies keep their accessories simple and understated. They avoid large and attention-grabbing items like oversized hats or chunky statement necklaces.

6. Clothing that doesn't fit well

Elegant ladies invest in quality clothing that fits them well and flatters their body shape. They avoid clothes that are too loose or too tight.

7. Extreme hair and makeup

Elegant ladies keep their hair and makeup simple and understated. They avoid overly bold hairstyles, heavy makeup, or bright, attention-grabbing colours.

8. Clothing that is too trendy

Elegant ladies prefer timeless and classic styles that will not quickly go out of fashion. They avoid clothing that is overly trendy or makes them look dated.

9. Clothing that is too casual

Elegant ladies choose clothing that is appropriate for the occasion. They avoid clothing that is too casual, such as gym clothes, pajamas, or ripped jeans.

Elegance is a quality that can be achieved by anyone who takes pride in their appearance and makes thoughtful choices about their clothing and accessories. By avoiding these nine items, elegant ladies can look their best and exude grace and poise.