Crispy honey chilli beef is a classic Chinese takeaway dish that can be easily made at home. The word is a delicious combination of crispy fried beef strips that are coated in a sticky and spicy honey sauce, sure to tantalize your taste buds. 

Here is a simple recipe to follow.

To start with, you will need to marinate the beef strips in a mixture of cornstarch, salt, and pepper. It will help tenderize the beef and create a crispy coating when fried. Leave the meat to marinate for approximately 30 minutes to allow the flavours to infuse.

Next, heat some vegetable oil in a wok or frying pan. After the oil is hot, add the marinated beef strips in batches and fry them until they are crispy and golden brown. It will take around 2-3 minutes per batch. If beef is ready, remove it from the wok and set it aside.

Mix honey, soy sauce, rice vinegar, chilli flakes, and cornstarch in a bowl until smooth to make the honey chilli sauce. Then, add the mixture to the same pan and boil over medium heat. Cook the sauce for around 2-3 minutes until it thickens and becomes glossy.

If the sauce is ready, add the cooked beef strips to the pan and toss them gently until they are covered in the sauce. Turn off the heat before adding the beef to prevent overcooking.

Finally, sprinkle some chopped spring onions and sesame seeds over the beef and serve it immediately with steamed rice or noodles. The crispy honey chilli beef is now ready to enjoy!

In conclusion, making crispy honey chilli beef at home is an excellent and easy process that requires minimal effort. The key to achievement is to marinate the meat properly and ensure it is fried until it is crispy and golden brown.