The government has unveiled the new phase of digital IDs after establishing the new personal registration system.

CS Kindiki amended the Registration of Persons regulations in the Special Gazette notice dated October 25 to include implementing an electronic card and register.

PHOTO | COURTESY  Prof. Julius Bitok

According to the revisions, face features and fingerprints will also be utilized for personal identification.

The updated legislation also recognizes the Unique Personal Identifier (UPI), which will be assigned at birth and as a permanent identity number for every Kenyan.

Immigration and Citizen Services Principal Secretary Prof. Julius Bitok said Thursday at a session with religious leaders that piloting will allow the country to be adequately equipped to introduce digital IDs.

"We intend to use the piloting to guide what we need to do correctly." We want to ensure we do it properly this time, given the problems that have plagued prior attempts to implement a digital ID," added Bitok.

PHOTO | COURTESY  Prof. Julius Bitok

The PS also stated that the planned digital ID complies with legislation governing personal data protection. The State was eager to avoid the difficulties plaguing the disputed Huduma Namba implementation.

"We conducted a data protection impact assessment, which had not been done in previous projects." "We have submitted a data protection impact assessment report to the Data Commissioner to ensure that the process is in accordance with the law," he said.

PHOTO | COURTESY  Prof. Julius Bitok

"We will increase national security because the new Maisha Namba card is tamper-proof." You can also apply for your Maisha Digital ID and conveniently access online services using your phone. We aim to ensure that the entire government uses technology to deliver services."

Religious leaders in attendance also pledged to help raise public awareness during the rollout of the digital cards.