About 50 homesteads in the Seneka and Oltanki areas of Narok East Sub-county live in the cold after their homes are submerged in heavy downpours.

The residents have lost valuable items in their houses and numerous crop plantations as their crops sunk in the floods.

Anne Nasieku, an affected resident, said they have moved to seek refuge on higher grounds, as their homes have completely submerged in water.

Saitoti Koisambu said the floods have destroyed food worth thousands of shillings as over 200 acres of beans and maize have submerged in water.

“I am worried what will happen to us because our homesteads have been flooded and our farms destroyed. We pray to God that the rain stops,” he added.

Joseph Kanai thanked the Red Cross Society for the help they have offered the community since the disaster struck, as they have been camping in the area to rescue victims of the flood.

“We have not received any help from the government or any other humanitarian group. We request our local leaders to visit us and see the situation here,” he said.

He decried that the residents risk contracting waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid if nothing is done immediately.

Kekoonyokie Member of County Assembly Lemiso Kimiti said the water is a result of a flooded river that has burst into the homestead.

Kimiti called on those living downstream to move to upper land to avoid the risk of being swept away by the raging water this rainy season.

“I ask parents to be very cautious with their school-going children. They should ensure that their children do not cross any river, to avoid the risk of being swept away,” he warned.