A nine-year-old missing police dog has been found in a local home in Tigania, Meru County, after a three-day search by detectives.

The Belgian Malinois dog Jet disappeared from Tigania police station on Feb 6, prompting a countywide search.

According to police, the homeowner, who resides in Karama Division within the Tigania East sub-county, allegedly found the dog stranded along Meru-Maua highway.

“He carried the same in a matatu to his home and following information from good samaritan that led to recovery of the same at the home of the mention person. He reported the same at Karama police post at 1200hrs,” read a police report.

Police described the dog as obedient, active, and jovial.

Police say the dog is well trained on bite work and only attacks on command or on being agitated.

Jet has worked in Nairobi, Machakos, Embu, and Meru counties.