Robert Burale, a preacher and counselor, recently voiced his concerns about flimsy and unreliable friendships and suggested that caution be used when looking for true friends. 

The well-known preacher used his Instagram page to counsel followers about whom to friend, sharing the story of how Jowie Irungu, Jacque Maribe's ex-fiance, was dumped after he was found guilty of Monica Kimani's murder. 

Burale continued her trip down memory lane by mentioning how Jowie was frequently invited to parties and podcasts.

"When Jowie was first released pending trial he became an instant celebrity. Other 'celebrities' (useless careers) were flocking to take photos with him. Most Podcasters interviewed him. He was everyone's darling. When he was found guilty, there were very few people around him," the motivational speaker expressed.

The chocolate-skinned man of God further observed that only Jowie's family has stood by him after the court found him guilty.

"We saw painful tears from his sister. No more Podcasts. No selfies with so-called celebrities. On the day of his sentence, his mother stood by him. In the photo below she is looking at the officer as if to say, do not let the handcuffs hurt my son."

The single father also urged friends to support one another through trying times, saying he hoped Monica's family had supportive friends. 

"I pray that Monica's family will find God's peace as they remember their loved one. I also pray and hope they have friends who are still standing with them even after the media blitz has died down.." Burale expressed.

Following his long speech, Burale urged people to reduce the number of chairs around their dinner tables.