Students and employees of Kenyatta University who suffered fatal injuries in the Maungu, Voi traffic accident on Monday have been airlifted to receive specialized medical care. 

Professor Paul Wainaina, the vice-chancellor of the university, stopped by the Moi County Referral Hospital in Voi on Tuesday to check on the students and employees involved in the collision.

Critical patients were transported to other facilities via air ambulances at the Voi airstrip, Ikanga. 

While some casualties were transferred to the Kenyatta University Teaching and Referral Research Hospital in Nairobi and Avenue Hospital in Mombasa, others were moved to Aga Khan University Hospital in Mombasa. 


The university also disclosed that the deceased will have their bodies transported to KUTRRH in Nairobi. 

Wainaina paid a visit to the wounded students at Moi County Referral Hospital who were undergoing medical care.

Additionally, the university sent a group of physicians, medical staff, security guards, and wellness coordinators to Voi. 

A truck and a university bus collided in Maungu on Monday. The bus was carrying students and other staff members on an academic excursion to Mombasa. 

 As of now, there have been eleven confirmed deaths, twenty-one serious injuries, and four minor injuries.